I Have a Fat Head

So I was trying to go to Zumba, but the schedule changed on me. I had to take Muscle Works instead, which is more of a get-it-done militaristic kind of thing, featuring background music as a concession to the weak and a stability ball which was anything but. I weight trained five days last week (modest polishing of knuckles) so the core stuff and the weighted bar and all that jazz left me more or less unmoved. But you do weird stuff too-- lifting your legs up and down while clutching a big red Target ball in an undignified manner. Leg lifts that make me want to look around for Jane Fonda in a stripey leotard urging me to feel the burn. And lots and lots of core. Who needs that much core? I mean, no one's going to see my core unless I burn some calories/poundage, right? Plus we had to lift the weight of our own heads like 18,000 times. I had no idea my head was that heavy. (And no cracks about muscle weighing more than fat.) I was sadly missing my insouciant calorie frittering dance workout.

I'm back on the bus food-wise, trying to be mindful of my carbs as I don't feel too well when I get too many of the wrong kind. Plus I get that gnoshy, hard to satisfy pseudo-hunger-- blech. I saw a number I didn't like this morning. My theory is that I traded some muscle for fat and I put the muscle back on again, so I'm finally seeing an overdue jump in the scale. I'm not upset about it-- yet. Let's see how it responds to some frivolous minded Latin dance workouts. Because I'm not going back to Muscle Works. I'm pretty sure the stability ball is trying to hurt me.


  1. LOL....I'm having a blast imagining that workout!

  2. Sounds like a helluva workout!

  3. Ha! That sounds fun ;)

    you finished it though!

  4. Yea...I was trying to imagine your workout also and giggling. :)

  5. I liked the phrase that the "background music as a concession to the weak and a stability ball that was anything but" - haha!

    Muscle Works sounds a little too "hard core" (sorry-couldn't resist the pun!)for you.

    Do what you enjoy...exercise is difficult enough as it is!

  6. Those stability balls are EVIL! I have two! :)

    Enjoy your dancing!

  7. Why can't there be truth in advertising when it comes to "instability balls"? Really - who DOES need that much core unless they're signing on for the next Terminator movie? Zumba sounds like it's the place to be for you.

  8. I'm getting my core worked out just laughing from your post!

  9. I'm sorry you got cheated out of your Zumba! It hardly seems fair, but it sounds like you got a killer workout anyway.

  10. I think that workout sounds pretty intense!

  11. LOL, wow at that workout.

    Stability balls are killer.

  12. Incredible journey that you have been on girl!!! Me....I have gone from XXL to the big girls dept on third floor...X1 and X2. I want to hang onto your heels and follow you. You have many followers and I am one who will check in with you daily to cheer you on and who will tap into your strength and energy!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!


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